UWM Has Threatened A Broker Facebook Group Called “Rocket Pro TPO and UWM” With Legal Action
Ramon Walker of Client Direct Mortgage created a Facebook group comparing Rocket Pro TPO with UWM. The Facebook group has re-ignited the feud between Rocket Mortgage owner Dan Gilbert and UWM CEO Mat Ishbia. Now, UWM has threatened the Facebook group with a cease and desist letter.
Over the past several years, UWM has taken a position of “If you’re not with us, you’re against us” with their network of brokers. The company has been very aggressive in enforcing the policy. They not only cut off brokers who price shop with their competitors. Namely, Rocket Mortgage. They will sue them and make sure the finance world know about it.
Client Direct Mortgage owner Ramon Walker received a cease and desist letter last week. At first, he thought it was a joke.
Client Direct Mortgage is a San Francisco Bay area brokerage that started with five loan officers in 2010. It has since grown to around 100 over the past few years.
Modex estimates Client Direct Mortgage does about $50 million in volume. UWM funds most of Client Direct’s loans. However, Walker is now rethinking that relationship.
UWM Tries To Bully Brokers
Walker did business with UWM between 2015 and December 2023. However, he says it’s time for brokers to compare and contrast who they are doing business with.
The title and banner of the Facebook group pits UWM against Rocket TPO. The group’s ‘About’ description encourages potentially adverse and defamatory topics regarding UWM according to the cease and desist letter.
The Dec. 14, 2023 letter goes on to say:
The attorneys also asked Walker to delete any comments or content that would be considered false or defamatory.
Walker said he’s set the group to “auto admin.”
This means the comments are approved as long as commenters follow the rules about being courteous. The group has over 2,000 members, and it was opened by Walker at the beginning of November 2023.
Walker’s response to UWM’s demands?
Walker claims he received a call from UWM EVP Allen Beydoun. He said he asked Beydoun why the “number two” person at UWM was calling him to inquire about a Facebook group.
Walker described Beydoun as trying to be an intimidating bully:
Walker has no problem being a voice for the broker community.
Is UWM Getting To Aggressive With Brokers?
It’s obvious that UWM’s Bullying Tactics Toward It’s brokers is starting to get out hand. As Walker says:
Walker calls the tone of the letter toxic:
In addition to asking him to take down the Facebook group, UWM attorneys stated that he owes more than $124,000 in EPOs on 12 different transactions dating back to 2020. UWM then demanded payment within seven days.
Walker said he hasn’t done the math. Therefore, he doesn’t know if he even owes money to UWM. He claims UWM never came after him before for that amount.
Walker states he was writing $50 million worth of loans and making about $1.5 million a year on the loans he sent UWM: