Tag: Celink Reverse Mortgages
AARP Has Joined Class Action Lawsuit Against CeLink And RMF
AARP Has Joined The Lawsuit Against Reverse Mortgage Giants CeLink And Reverse Mortgage Funding (RMF) Over Illegal Fees The AARP Foundation has joined a proposed class action lawsuit against Celink and RMF. The two companies are the two prominent players in the reverse mortgage industry. The lawsuit alleges that these companies added unlawful loan servicing…
Novad Management In Gambit To Keep HECM Contract With HUD
Novad Management Consulting Files Protest In Desperate Gambit To Keep HECM Contract With HUD Novad Management Consulting has held HUD’s HECM Assets contract since 2014. Unfortunately for them, Celink was awarded the contract to provide servicing for HECM loans earlier this year. However, Novad has filed a protest against the award of Compu-Link Corporation (Celink)…